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Women Supporting Women: Professional Power in Numbers

Women Supporting Women: Professional Power in Numbers

Finding success in the world of business can be challenging for any entrepreneur, though there’s no denying that the odds are not in women’s favor.

Multiple studies have shown that closing the gender gap would provide an excellent boost to the global economy, and there are many talented women who’ve been making progress in bringing that dream to life, but women as a whole are still being held back by a lack of resources and surplus of societal blockades.

I’m proud to say that the gap between women and men establishing startups has slowly been closing over the years, and I’m even more proud to say that the companies I’ve started are contributing to that figure. However, the same reports that highlight how dedicated and tenacious women entrepreneurs have been also recognize that men continue to find greater access to funding and support networks.

Because women have difficulty acquiring opportunities where they can learn and grow, they tend to build up less experience and knowledge than their male counterparts, which in turn makes men appear more "hirable” and leaves women with fewer opportunities. As you can see, all this gender bias serves to reinforce the imbalance, and perpetuates the unfair system. However, any good businesswoman knows not to let a little disappointment get in her way.

If she can’t find opportunities, she’ll just have to make them for herself. Still, few business ventures can be accomplished by one person alone. If she wants to make her ideas work, she’ll need assistance, and who better to appreciate her plans and share in her vision than those in similar predicaments?

Indeed, with so many hurdles placed before them, women are beginning to partner and network with each other more and more. By combining their unique skill sets and capital, women entrepreneurs are able to carve out their own opportunities, competing with the established enterprises that denied them their chances to shine. What’s more, by banding together and working on their own terms, businesswomen are free to take risks that more conventional companies wouldn’t begin to consider. Pursuing niche fields and satisfying untapped markets allows them to not only secure a stream of revenue with little to no opposition, it also cements their brand in a loyal demographic.

All the while, they discredit the close minded stereotype that women naturally become rivals in the workforce. Tackling this notion is particularly important, and coincidentally, doing so is the key to achieving greater success for more businesswomen.


Partnering with other women entrepreneurs is good, but hiring women workers is also important. No one likes to be replaced, but for older women to take the wisdom and experience that took them so long to develop and impart it to a younger generation at an early age will provide them greater chances of pursuing success and further closing the gender gap. Don’t get me wrong, competition can be a useful motivator, but understanding who is your opponent and who is your teammate will determine the real victory. Instead of trying to outdo one another and prove you’re better than the other businesswomen, you should instead encourage other women in their work and acknowledge their success so that they will do the same with you.

Offering to help before asking for help goes a long way toward inspiring trust and respect in others. Keep in mind that collecting all this knowledge and talent in one place is not solely for your benefit, it is for everyone to gain from. Do not use the other women exclusively for their skills and status, do not demand from them while failing to provide anything of your own. This will sometimes mean that others will succeed where you fail, or that methods and mentalities you hold dear will be contested, possibly even proven wrong. While such circumstances are not looked forward to, please remember that they are learning experiences, and that you are still contributing to the success of women as a whole.

In addition to building female professional networks, we should also maintain healthy female personal relationships. Having female friends you can turn to after a long day of work, who you can relax and unwind with, who can keep your secrets and lift your spirits, is ideal for reinvigorating your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Knowing there are talented women waiting for you at the office, as well as wonderful women eager to see you after work, will keep you strong and sharp when pursuing your business goals and contribute to a more efficient and equal workforce around the world.


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