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Top Three Tools for Developers to Organize their Work

Top Three Tools for Developers to Organize their Work

We’re living in a digital age of smartphones and cloud storage, where everything from cute videos to government secrets are constantly being uploaded and downloaded in a never-ending stream of internationally accessible information. Programs and applications enable us to enjoy a level of convenience unlike anything the world has seen before, with each year bringing us updates and advancements that push us past what we thought was feasible.

The future possibilities truly are limitless, but the reason we can look forward so fondly is because of the people behind such incredible achievements: The Developers.

As advanced as artificial intelligence is becoming as of late, the fact remains that all the software we take for granted didn’t design, test, or maintain itself. We have human ingenuity to thank for where we are now, the perfect combination of education and experience forged through good old fashioned hard work. Indeed, developers put in a considerable amount of effort to turn their visions into reality. They labor at their crafts like the artisans they are, producing masterpieces the likes of which few others could hope to match. But, much like the artisans of old, their abilities and output can be greatly enhanced when they have the right tools to make use of.


For those who want their developers to reach their full potential, providing the proper programs for them to utilize can be the difference between a project releasing on time or a project falling apart at the seams, which is why I recommend including organizational tools like these:

CSS Guidelines

Much like how a baker depends on their recipes, or how an architect requires their blueprints, developers need a resource they can reference for useful guidelines and helpful practices. It was this very need that inspired Consultant Front-end Architect Harry Roberts to develop the CSS Guidelines, a comprehensive resource on syntax and formatting that’s free for all to use.


Developers have a lot on their plate, from trying to finish their current projects to trying to maintain their previous projects. Coding one website while keeping up with bug reports from another can interrupt workflow, which can in turn interfere with deadlines, which is why Monit is here to help. Monit is a server monitoring tool that gathers alerts and notifications all in one place, even offering certain automated fixes to help streamline the maintenance process.


A smart painter keeps their supplies and projects properly stored and arranged in one place so they’ll always know where to find what they need, and smart developers use tools like Zeplin for much the same purpose. By acting as a file sharing service to make sure designs and elements can be easily distributed and accessed by whoever needs them, Zeplin serves as a source of truth that designers and developers alike can safely rely on.


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