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My Favorite Mother Moments of 2019

My Favorite Mother Moments of 2019

Being a mother is one of the most stressful roles in the world, especially when it’s paired with being an entrepreneur. The lack of sleep, the constant noise, and the anxiety of trying to keep your children happy and healthy is a heavy burden all on its own, throw in the need to review project updates and budget reports, and you’ve got yourself one weary woman.

Sometimes the stress of it all can leave us feeling drained and depressed, but I’ve found the best way to keep my spirits high is to look back on all the moments that make being a mother worth it. Since a good mood is the gift that keeps on giving, I thought I’d share a few of those moments with you all here.

While I was pregnant with my second child, my daughter Sarah would frequently ask when I was going to release the baby from my belly. Her innocent inquisitiveness was endearing, though the day my baby boy was born, Sarah’s reaction was the complete reverse of what I was expecting.

Instead of touching the new brother she’d been so eager to meet before, it seemed young Sarah was quite intimidated by him.

It was concerning to see her in such unease around him, especially when we went to get a family photo taken together. The photographer wanted to try and move my son to get a better shot, and Sarah started to cry. At first I assumed she was jealous of her brother, as many older siblings tend to be in the early stages, but I couldn’t have been further from the truth. She wasn’t scared or jealous of the boy at all, she was concerned for his wellbeing, scared that something (in this case, the photographer) might hurt her precious baby brother.


It warmed my heart to learn how protective my daughter is, though I must admit, her apprehension can be adorable at times. At one point, I had put on make-up for a company event I was attending. I thought it did a wonderful job of brightening up my face, though Sarah felt otherwise. The poor girl ran off screaming to her father the second she saw me, who was as startled as I was at her reaction. When he asked what was the matter, she told him I was wearing some sort of mask. We explained to her it was only make-up and reassured her it was nothing to worry about, but she still expressed her reservations by telling me “please don't do that, it's dangerous.” Ah, but just three months ago, when Sarah stopped right in the middle of what she was doing and told me “Mommy, I love you” in fluent English, well now that just made my heart melt.

Mind you, my 6-month old boy is no slouch when it comes to showing affection. He recently learned how to kiss, a skill he is enthusiastic to demonstrate all over my face when our nanny hands him to me after I get home from work. It’s a very welcome reception, as I have a full schedule that keeps me very busy. Indeed, my husband is usually the one who takes our daughter to daycare, though on occasion I can find the time to take her myself, and I’ll never forget the first time I did so.

Once we arrived at her room, Sarah took me by the hand and proclaimed to everyone who could hear that “this is my mommy,” even leading me over to a young friend of hers and repeating her proclamation so she could personally show me off. Of course, I was quite proud myself when I watched her perform for the first time in the holiday concert her daycare was throwing, beaming as my beautiful girl did her best to sing her part of the song, even “helping” the teacher to play the piano. That last part may have been her improvising, though it’s nice to see my little girl is the type to take initiative.

We can all use a pick-me-up from time to time, so I hope these precious memories brought a smile to your face. Please take the time to look back on your own motherhood moments, and why not share them here with us all while you’re at it.


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